Count down: 1 day left to the HORECAVA

Enzo Sisto 12 januari 2020

best leven


One day left and we are working really hard to get everything perfect.

We wait for you FOUR DAYS LONG in Amsterdam RAI HORECAVA exibition on the stand (hall 7  number 102) from tomorrow 10 AM until 18 PM.


But we take the time for something really important.

Meet our exclusive French producer of LIMOUSIN BEEF during a short interview with the founder of COVILIM.

Mister Jean Louis Sudres founder of COVILIM tells us:

« COVILIM means "Contoire Viande Limousin"

Established since 1996 at the Slaughterhouse of Limoges, in the middle of the Limousine Race, Covilim sells fresh meat from young bulls (males or females), offal and skin.

We are present on a large part of the European market, and we are developing for now few years our presence on the market of Maghreb, Turkey and soon on the Middle East and the East of Europe (Russia and Ukraine). We are producing approximately 600 Young bull younger than 24 month every week.

The races we are producing are: Limousin 55%, Charolaise 30%, Blonde d'Aquitaine 15%.


Now we are engaged in the last 5 years as exclusive LIMOUSIN partner in the Château Boucher brand with FOOD STAGE. We could say that in Limousin Beef COVILIM is the best beef from France, but we prefer you taste it and judge by yourself. So, look around where you can buy LIMOUSIN Château Boucher Beter Leven 2 stars and please give us your feed back" 


Mr. Sudres what is for you Château Boucher?

"We are exclusive producing partner in the last 5 years of limousin beef under the Château Boucher brand. This partnership has grown after years of friendship and common passion with Enzo Sisto for this excellent meat with a true storytelling and an ethical significance. Together with him and our farmers we have got several quality certifications in France and abroad." 


Mr. Sudres what’s for you an excellent meat?

 "A quality meat is a meat, well-aged and tender, whose flavors also depends on the breed, age and sex of the animal, the region of origin and the type of breeding. The flora of the Limousin district in France give this meat an extraordinary texture. Limousin beef is very used and loved by the Michelin's stars chefs in France, but also all around the world.

Take for example Christophe Blot, a Michelin-starred chef for 30 years, and his wife Sylvie with their “Quasi de veau du Limousin cuit doucement, panais” and much more recipes with Limousin beef.


Château Boucher ® is the registered TRADEMARK brand to export our QUALITY LIMOUSIN BEEF to the rest of Europe."



The other important quality channels in France for the French consumer of Limousin beef are:


The Red Label "BOEUF Limousin" Blason prestige

The Limousin Blason Prestige Beef is regularly ranked

first by consumer tests or praised by expert juries.

The finesse of the meat grain, the flavour and the tenderness

are its main qualities. 100% limousine breed, the carcasses are

very appreciated by butchers because of the high proportion

of muscle and noble pieces (pieces to grill).


"Fleur De Limousine":

Through this brand, Limousin cattle, born, raised in France, are marketed.

In addition, livestock farms are engaged and qualified in the

Charter of Good Breeding Practices.


BIO: Animals from farms engaged in Organic Farming.

The marketing of animals from Organic Agriculture is carried out

by the Union of Cooperatives Union BIO.

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