AMSTERDAM January 13-15th 2020. First impressions Horecava short movie

Enzo Sisto 16 januari 2020

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  • We want to thanks all the people who visit us these first 3 days. 
  • A very positive response from everyone. Château Boucher proudly says: thanks you all
  • MENU
  • Casa Vercelli: Brasato al Barolo, Insalata di Carne and Vitello tonnato.
  • Salumi Cinque Stelle: carpaccio of smoked secreto and pizza with fresh Parma sausage.
  • SOCOPA: Goumet meat's ball "provola" and Umami burger
  • FOODSTAGE: veal cooked ham, T-bone and "Tagliata" of Limousin Château Boucher steak.
  • WOW 


Enjoy this short movie 

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