Beter Leven Keurmerk party October 2019

Enzo Sisto 19 oktober 2019

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Culemborg, October 17th 2019

The stakeholders party in Culemborg has been the occasion to have a look on the development and the improvement of the Beter Leven Keurmerk in 2019.

The dairy sector makes the entrance in our world and the farmers like happy to produce milk under the supervising of BLK. Welcome on board.

Food Stage chain managers BLK** and ***  (Enzo Sisto and Adriano Amighini) have been there. The French partners GLBV Limousin and COVIKLIM Limoges  waren't able to be present. We listened with pleasure and attention to what Susanne Maassen and Marijke de Jong (in the photo during the speech) presented to us. Great result, care about animals but also about nature, people, sustainability and circular economy are the goals for 2020.

We are proud to be a part of it.

During the session we have discuss with the stakeholders en decided to improve the production of our semi wild Limousin beef BLK**. Our cattle live in freedom in woods and meadows of this beautiful district for ¾ of the year. A new group of more than 40 farmers who enjoy jointing this quality label will be shortly managed by us. We will keep you informed on this blog.



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