A new star is born: BONES & MARROW

Enzo Sisto 3 maart 2019

a blog Bones Marrow is born

You will discover more about Bones & Marrow in the special edition of the magazine FOOD FIRE April 14th 2019.


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SMOKE&BBQ. Veal brisket bone in with the 3-2-1 method by Enzo Sisto

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Born in the United States, the fashion of BBQ has spread over the last few years to Europe as well. The Netherlands in addition to the windmills, bicycles, Van Gogh and Rembrandt and tulips are proving to be masters in BBQ. This complete line of meat products for both BBQ amateurs and pit masters are “Made in Holland” and it is frozen in IQF-Hyperfrozen®. It offers to you innovation, conviviality, but also comfort and affordability.

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Christmas Roast Beef

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The perfect beef and way to make a great ROAST BEEF

collage allevament semi brado regione Limousin

Semi-wild breeding in the Limousin region

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