A new star is born: BONES & MARROW

Enzo Sisto 3 maart 2019

a blog Bones Marrow is born

You will discover more about Bones & Marrow in the special edition of the magazine FOOD FIRE April 14th 2019.


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Enzo Sisto 11 augustus 2022

Finding that most restaurateurs in Corsica, indeed almost all, have veal on their menu was a pleasant surprise that contributed to making our holiday more enjoyable but also more intriguing. Let's find out some addresses and some dishes together.


Tasting the FS product SOCOPA

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By Laura I'm Laura, an italian student who's having a stage by the Office of COFOS BV.

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The Burger born to match people

Enzo Sisto 7 maart 2021

The Urban Share Steak Burger, as the product's name says, was born as a burger to share. The ingredients are exclusively natural. Meat comes from suppliers previously selected according to the virtuous production of breeders, the level of food safety and the certifications acquired.